Sunday, 28 November 2010

Travel Plans


Walking along the road to church, through Bedford Park, wondered if I could estimate how near or far I am from death by looking at the position of other people on the pavement. Quite a distance behind, I saw a figure walking slowly, but pushing a bike. A young man came out of one of the big houses with a fretful child in a pushchair and got between us. When I looked back a few moments later the figure with the bike had gone.

Beautiful Advent Sunday service. The vicar and forty members of the congregation have just returned from the Holy Land. I didn’t know that there is an Anglican cathedral, St George’s, in Jerusalem, which has a partly Arab speaking congregation.

I would love to see it and resolved that I must go on their next visit in 2012.

After the service I told one of the church wardens that I would like to visit Jerusalem and he said he would make sure that I get there. I told him how much one of the doctors had worried me.

“Tell him to fuck off out of your head,” he said.

My friend in Poland’s son is getting married in May next year, and I aim to be there too.

1 comment:

  1. I was glad to be able to catch up with reading your blogs today & glad you were happy with your church's Advent service.
    Having just come back from the Anglican church (St Paul's - remember it?),
    I had to put my legs up while I indulged in the internet connection to read your blog.
    I went to the morning service at 10.30 returning after the reception on until 12.30. Then unfortunately felt I had to make simple offering of cherries, cheese & pineapple on sticks to take after special Evensong for all the churches on the Riviera & it was my turn to do the refreshments afterwards. There was no time for me to get to the service as people had brought so many offerings to be put out.
    Now at last I can get on with writing & sending my first christmas cards to the most distant places. I hope you are able to happily do yours, Jane.
